I’m back!

It’s not Eminem’s come back I know! But let the bitch be excited! You know why am I excited? Because 3 things, Summer, and the sun is up and I love sunset stories on Sundays and I love sunrise stories on Saturdays! Changes! You can’t even imagine how much things happened this past year that … Continue reading I’m back!

Riri obsession

I’ve got my own celebrity crush for years now.  You know the moment in your teen years you fall in love with a lady celebrity that gets you through the best and the worst times of your life? And then it’s just a healthy (hopefully) obsession?  You like the clothes, the lyrics (or the movies), the body, the attitude!  Anything in general that is exciting about them!  Continue reading “Riri obsession”


Once again it has been long since I posted a proper post, and I really hate when this happens because especially this month! It’s blog’s birthday month and I really want to keep it going 🙂 I am not going to say anything for what the Birthday will be like, this year! Keep coming to … Continue reading Hi:)